Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Chaos Characters - Ahriman and Huron

I realise it has been a while since I last wrote anything on the Chaos codex.  I have been distracted and playing a few games.

There is a very real chance that both Ahriman and Huron will become mainstay HQ choices for Chaos lists. The reason for this is very simple.  They have an exceptional Warlord trait.

By being able to infiltrate d3 units, you can get a first turn charge with a number of the units in the chaos list. This opens a world of tactical options, and essentially prevents gunlines from causing all kinds of carnage. You really do need the first turn to take the most advantage of this though.  If you don't get it, consider hiding your units within cover.  If you do go first, deploy in the open 18 inches away.  Fast units like raptors, mauler fiends, daemon princes, spawn, bikers and warptalons can assault the enemy before they have chance to do anything.

With d3 units able to do this, you want to include three units if you include either Huron or Ahriman to take advantage of this.  The best thing with this strategy is it is automatic with these Warlords, and is in effect another special rule for the characters.

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