Monday, 1 July 2013

Eldar Codex Review: Shining Spears

The third of the fast attack aspect warriors I am reviewing are Shining Spears.

As I mentioned in other articles, they have dropped quite a few points.  Perhaps not as many as I had initially claimed, but they are around 60% of their previous points cost.  They also do not seem to have changed at all in their abilities.

You may around 7 points a model on top of a jetbike and you get an aspect warrior with the same gun, same save, and same BS as a guardian.  So far, nothing impressive.

You also get the laser lance and skilled rider.  Skilled rider improves your units cover save, which is always a good thing.

Laser lances are as far as I can tell exactly the same as before.  They are good on a charge against anything not in terminator armour.  They are pretty dire should they not get to charge or get stuck in combat.  They can still shoot.

So you want an Exarch.  He wants hit and run.  He might even want a Star Lance, which turns him into a credible anti tank threat and should make short work of most walkers in close combat with it.

Oddly in the Iyanden expansion, it mentions there is a Phoenix lord of the Shining Spears, but that hes gone missing.  I am a bit disappointed that none of the "new" aspects, such as Spears, Spiders and Crimson Hunters get a Phoenix Lord.

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