Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Destiny - Warlock

So this is my first class specific review on Destiny.  My main character for the majority of the game, the warlock is the balanced class in my experience.

The warlock currently comes in two flavours.  Voidwalker and Sunsinger.

When you start the game, until you get a character to level 15, you can only use a Voidwalker.


Pros:  This is a strong solo class with some decent grenades in Axion bolts and vortex grenades, and its super is absolutely lethal with a lot more customisation to it than other classes supers.  I personally prefer having huge blasts with vortex so it remains in play for a lot longer, but others prefer lance which fires it straight forwards or shatter which gives you three smaller blasts.  A strong choice in pvp where the big blasts can wipe out entire teams of enemies.  As a warlock, your grenades don't harm you, so you can throw them around without too much worry.

Cons: In terms of defence, and overall game play, this class just seems lacking compared to the Sunsinger.  With no ability to get an overshield, you can get healing via energy drain, but it doesn't seem very practical in the higher end missions.  Like all of the initial classes, this class doesn't really contribute a great deal to team play in the nightfall or raids so you rarely see them at the top level.


Pros: This class is all about two things.  Being able to self ressurect and control choke points with grenades.  The super allows you to chuck a bucket load of grenades in a short period of time which can be really handy.  Coming back to life helps no end with the raids, and nightfalls where dying is often fatal.  This class is an insurance policy to ensure you complete the harder missions.

Cons:  The super lacks punch.  In pvp you need to use tactics to make the most of this class, but it is considerably easier to switch out to Void walker.  In lower end missions where you are a couple of levels or higher than the mission, or on general patrols, then this class just feels lacking compared to the Voidwalker.    There are a lot less combinations available to max out a particular build style compared to Voidwalkers too.  Essentially you pick one of the three (all pretty good) grenades, and ensure you can resurect.  The rest doesn't really do much to determine your play style compared to the quite drastic changes that the Voidwalker can do with his.


For me, it is all about the Sunsinger.  Actually completing missions is more important to me than being the main man in damage dealing.  The Sunsinger trades the ability to do a huge explosion for being better balanced overall.  The voidwalker however is a very fun class to play and would suit someone who is more aggressively minded in their play style and assuming the other players in their party can cover the lack of a Sunsinger then it is good to go.   In overall terms, both of the Warlock classes seem to be fairly similar.  Certainly closer together than the two Titans and Hunters appear to be.

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