Saturday, 14 July 2012

Power weapon comparisons in 6th edition Part 1

One of the largest changes has been the change to the humble power weapon.  For three editions, a power weapon was just that, a power weapon.  Now, there are several different types.  At first look the sword looks to be the pick of the bunch, but perhaps running the numbers will reveal something special about the others.

All numbers are assuming it is a normal marine sergent with a power weapon and a bolt pistol.  This gives him three attacks, or two with a power fist.

VS Marines [T4, 3+]
5th edition Power Weapon        0.75 kills [0.25 per attack]
Power Sword:                            0.75 kills [0.25 per attack]
Power Axe:                                0.99 kills [0.33 per attack, strikes at initative one]
Power Maul:                              0.42 kills [0.14 per attack]
Power Spear:                             0.99 kills [0.33 per attack charging]
                                                   0.25 kills [0.08 per attack otherwise]
Power Fist                                 0.83 kills  [0.41 per attack, strikes at initative one]

So vs marines it is quite difficult to make a decision.  As you can see from the numbers, vs other power armoured marines, the power sword offers an identicle kill ratio as the 5th edition equivelent.  The power axe offers the best return on points invested but is slow, although a charging spear is very strong, provided you don't get bogged down.  The maul seems out of its depth vs power armour

VS Terminators [T4, 2+/5++]
5th edition Power weapon      0.5 kills    [0.17 per attack]
Power Sword                          0.12 kills  [0.04 per attack]
Power Axe                              0.66 kills  [0.22 per attack, strikes at initative one]
Power Maul:                           0.42 kills  [0.14 per attack]
Power Spear                           0.16 kills  [0.05 per attack charging]
                                               0.12 kills  [0.04 per attack otherwise]
Power fist                               0.55 kills  [0.27 per attack, strikes at initative one]

Vs terminators, the power sword and charging spears potential drops off a cliff.  The maul is consistant, but not great.  The axe and fist are considerably more efficient than most of the weapons as they ignore the save, but still have to compete with the invulnerable.

This post is continued here

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